Student Driven | Nationally Recognized
A magazine of literary arts, faith and culture.

Statement of
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Belmont Story Review is committed to publishing stories, poetry and essays that are inclusive of diverse opinions and uplift typically underrepresented populations.
Through our editorial discernment, we seek to accept work from typically under-represented groups, whether this is BIPOC, LGTBQIA, ELL (English Language Learners) or other writers, dreamers and thinkers.
Established in 2016, the magazine aims to surprise and delight readers through an eclectic mix of storytelling which includes fiction, personal essay, and poetry at the intersection of faith and culture.
In addition to bringing engaging narratives to a wide audience, we seek to exemplify the mission of Belmont University by venturing into the wider culture-shaping arena of literary arts, extending and honing our skills as readers, writers, editors, artists, entrepreneurs, and citizens within a Christian community of learning and service. ​Located in Nashville, Tennessee, Belmont University is renowned for its College of Entertainment and Music Business and Social Entrepreneurship programs. Belmont Story Review is produced through the university's Publishing Program, which is one of the nation's only undergraduate majors in Publishing. The magazine was founded by former Program Director Richard Sowienski, a 30-year publishing veteran, which included a five-year stint as managing editor of The Missouri Review. It is now edited by the current Director, Sara Wigal.

Meghan Beaudry
That girl who loved to run, who was good at it? The correcaminas? I may see traces of her when I look in the mirror: the curve of her cheek, her dark hair and thick eyebrows. But she’s gone, and I don’t know if she’ll ever come back.
Renee Emerson
I moved your crib, broke it down
like a ribcage. A desk there now,
a laptop, papers, all good sleepers,
through the night more often than me.
Joel Kabot
Walter Adamkiewicz knelt in front of the sunflowers that grew along the brick wall of the meat market next door, using an ancient metal can to water the dry earth that surrounded the thick, green stalks. It had rained that morning, so there had been no need for the usual 6 a.m. watering, but the July heat had been strong all day, and the plants needed their evening session...
Marc Morgenstern
The Talmud says a miracle doesn’t happen every day. Sixty-three books containing the wisdom of the ages, but I, Mikha Grinblat, say the Talmud is wrong in this case. On any one particular day—sunny or cloudy, but especially cloudy—a miracle can occur...
Jade Hidle
Punctuate and hold the wind still.
Hear the dip and the snap of Khmer in donut shops
And Thai in sushi joints sucking fish sauce, garlic, and chili from my fingers,
On the streets of Long Beach,
Homesick at home...
Yurina Yoshikawa
I get my Japanese news from my mother. Having left Tokyo at 18 for college and staying in the U.S. ever since, she’s my one portal to my home country and everything that happens in it. The news is usually light...